
our ms. sandy

sitting pretty, though with some
demon eyes....
no one will break in, I promise...

the couch belongs to ME ME ME
Poor Harvey was only with us for about four months. His big body had been through too much--years of neglect and poor nutrition, heartworms, and the worst part--a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. In the end, it was his tummy that did him in.

A few months later we adopted this lovely lady, Sandy (yes, that is my mom Sandra's nickname). Sandy is also 7 years old and lived in a small pen with no shade or appropriate housing for her entire life. Heartworms and a variety of other icky worms. Body covered in a yeast infection that has been extremely stubborn to treat.

She's a SWEETHEART. Gentle with people, including spastic toddlers, and good with cats, dogs, and even a parrot. She probably wouldn't work in a house with pet squirrels, but our rehab babies in the backyard just mock her from on high. She's yet another old, beautiful Great Dane spirit who has come to live with us. Smooch.


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