In living with a toddler, there are words that, even as they are leaving my mouth, I cannot believe I am saying. Some of those words are disturbing or create angst because they make me sound like "one of those mothers." You know, the ones who move through the world paying marginal attention to their kids, and relying on pat answers such as "because I said so." Let me tell you here and now, that after your toddler has asked a thirty minute continuous string of nonsensical "why?" questions, answers such as "because I said so" seem completely logical.
Other utterances are disturbing because of how completely bizarre they sound. Perhaps putting these words down might assure other parents, particularly those with toddler-age children, that you are not alone in your rants, thinly veiled threats, and cop-out "because I said so's."
So here, let me share a few snippets of conversations that have gone on in my house just in the last several days. Most are probably funny only to me, as you had to be in the moment, hear the tone of voice, and experience the context of the statement. Some, however, stand on their own two legs. They are either completely bizarre or hilarious even out of context. Have you heard these conversations around your own house?
1. Sam, get the chop sticks out of your underpants.
2. Look Mommy, tofu out of my mouth just for you!3. Sam, penis back in your underwear.
4. Sam, penis back in your underwear.5. Sam, penis back in your underwear. (You're getting the point here....)
6. Maybe he's a stay at home mushroom. Daddy stays with the baby mushroom and the momma mushroom goes to work.
7. Mom, where's your penis? Sam, girls don't have a penis. (Sam) So do you pee out of your butt?
8. Let's sit on the potty and talk to the poop parrot.
9. I don't love you anymore Mommy, I love Daddy. Mommy, please get me some ice cream.
10. Momma, you're too fat to fit in the bathtub.
It's getting late and I'm exhausted, but these few gems have happened just in the last 24 hours or so. I'll have to keep posting them as they happen, once I've stopped laughing.
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